Happy New Year 2020

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Happy 2020 fellow web surfers! Lots and lots and lots has happened in just a few short years both in the world at large and in my life. I feel like the past decade has had more than ten years worth of change packed into it. I 2010 was the year I graduated Fitchburg State and started my first job in video production. It also saw a significant relationship end . . . so ups and downs for sure! After only 2 years, I was directing William Shatner in a cheesy music video, editing wedding videos, and living in Woburn with fellow Fitchburg grads. Then, in 2014, I had to leave my first industry job over tough circumstances, but not before making lifelong friends including Mike Young, a great friend and current second shooter and editor for Jess Sinatra Photography and Mark and Val who would start their own videography business. I started working for a number of Boston Area videographers in 2014 and won a number of accolades while hitting up some of the most exclusive and interesting venues in New England, New York, and New Jersey and beyond. That was until I met Jess in 2016 and formed our new company in 2019. While I have taken a second job as we save for a house, hopefully I can leave that behind someday soon as we have a full slate of weddings for 2020 and are already looking far ahead to 2021 and 2022. So, the world and politics and the Internet in general might be a crazy place right now, but it’s important to concentrate on what you can control and do the best you can for yourself and your loved ones. Here’s to a great year!